Category: Mystery Of God

  • My Pearl of inestimable value

    My Pearl of inestimable value

    My Pearl of Inestimable Value Out from its obscurity in this Silence Dawn,emerged an invisible Cruelty, gabbed interminal robe;Stealthily descended upon this blissful abode:the habitation of ‘My Pearl of Inestimable Value’ With its fangs snarling in a murderous fury,and its claws drew out tigerishly;and in this pale dawn of our Lord’s Day:this ageless Cruelty, in…

  • in with the angelic throngs in a fairer realm

    in with the angelic throngs in a fairer realm

    In with the Angelic Throngs in a Fairer Realm As gust flips over chaff;our mortal page turns overin a flip when the bell tolls forwhom so ever it would While mortals mourn and grieve;in a mansion fairer than ever imagined,a throng in celestial glory, adornedin flouncing Seraphic robes emerged Sent forth from the King of…

  • What do you go out to the wilderness to behold?

    What do you go out to the wilderness to behold?

    (Concluded) Matt. 11:10 This is a description of someone without character, who is pliable to any given doctrine or ideology. So, Jesus was asking them if they went in search of a man that does not have a character or belief. No, they went to see a prophet who gave then information of a coming…

  • What Do you Go out to the Wilderness to behold

    What Do you Go out to the Wilderness to behold

    Matt. 11: 1-10 In these days when the strive for earthly possession and status of recognition has become the trait in our society; and where believers are also drawn into the mesh, the above question cannot be more aptly asked. Let’s pause briefly to ponder on what prompted this question from Jesus Christ. From the…

  • Hearing From God

    Hearing From God


  • The Conflicting Realities 2: My Guidance Angel 3.

    The Conflicting Realities 2: My Guidance Angel 3.

    (Contd) Over the years, I kept on imagining the enterprising spirit of the people in those dire days of the war. The people from the riverine areas will bring goods like fish, salt, and other marine-based products to this border market to’ exchange’ for food and other product. Exchange it was because most of the…

  • The Conflicting Realities 2: My Guidance Angel 2

    The Conflicting Realities 2: My Guidance Angel 2

    Conflicting Realities 2; My Guidance Angel 2 As I looked up, I saw the old man looking away to the far southern end of the river where the mangrove trees drew a thick pattern as a well-cultured flowering garden. There is another river coming out at that point to join the main artery which tapered off into…

  • Life’s Infinite Tunnel

    Life’s Infinite Tunnel

    Life’s Infinite tunnel Life is an infinite tunnel Extending from Endlessness To the space of endlessness; The Past, a fading dream Down to a tapered end Of the tunnel: The future, a mirage in The faraway horizon    

  • In the rumbling’s Midst and Lightening: He Arose.

    In the rumbling’s Midst and Lightening: He Arose.

    In the Rumbling’s Midst and Lightening: He Arose. In that dark cloudless starry night When mortals lay in their bed And the rock cracked under the Weight of the freezing snow   In Calvary mount, the sentries stood Their fire could not melt the frosty night air; Teeth clanking they stood: watching the Sealed sepulcher…

  • Oh! How the Years Slipped By

    Oh! How the Years Slipped By

    As we stepped into another year with high expectation and uncertainty, Not knowing how we will navigate the treacherous course of life through the year. We have our plans and goals; set on high hope and expectations. We have nothing to dare the grinding motion of the earth on its slow rolls around the sun.…